Nous contacter

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Upper School
23 City Avenue
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: 610-667-1284
Lower School Campus & Main Office
150 North Highland Avenue
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: 610-667-1284

CHILD CARE LINE (FROM 3:00 PM TO 6:00 PM EACH DAY): (610) 667-6619

Department Directory

Educational program:
Mrs. Florence Zemoura - PK/K

Mrs. Sylvia Connelly - Grades 1 through 3 (

Mrs. Lise Hummel - Grades 4 through 5 (

Mr. Fabrice Paradis-Béland - Middle School (

Orientation to High School:
Ms. Kate Ferguson (

Transcript Requests:

Study Hall, After-school classes:
Mr. Guillaume Cuila (

Summer Camp information:
Mr. Fabrice Paradis-Béland (


CHILD CARE DIRECT LINE (FROM 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM EACH DAY): (610) 667-6619

French scholarships applications, Medical forms and vaccinations, Doctor’s notes and prescriptions, Lateness and absences, Pick-up arrangements, Bus transportation, Sign-up sheets, Lunch, Childcare, After-school classes:

Admissions to EFIP

Invoices and payments - Financial aid: 
Ms. Donna Kyle (

Fundraising, Grants, Annual Giving, Public relations:
Development (